Are your finances a mess? Take this step to clean up your finances by auditing your bank account.
Giving your bank account a once-over is something we're supposed to be doing regularly. Like every month.
I know. BORING. Who takes the time to look through your bank account when there's very little chance you have a fraudulent charge.
BUT there's a HUGE chance that fraud isn't your problem. We all have those recurring charges that we don't want, service charges for services we don't use, and subscriptions we should cancel.
The first step is auditing your account. I walk you through it all in this handy video.
Take 15 minutes here to get the basics on how to audit your account and clean up your finances!
This is the first step in creating a Down to Zero budget system or any other budgeting system, and it'll alert you to any major problems in your account right away!
Get the template to clean up your finances
In the video I use this Audit Your Account template to organize my audit process.
When I'm done taking notes in my bank account, finding all the different charges I need to investigate, I use this sheet as a to-do list for the next period of time.
RELATED: Make a Down to Zero Budget
To clean up your finances you'll need to contest charges, cancel subscriptions, and move bills around. Use this template to keep you motivated and on track!
In no time, you'll be ready for advanced-level financial planning that has you paying your bills, saving for the future, and getting free of financial worry. I know you can do it!