If you took my free command center workshop, this INTENSIVE is your next step!
Chaos at the door?
Systems in disarray?
Need a place for family communication?
Sounds like you could use a
command center intensive
2 hours to set up your very own customized command center!
In two hours, you'll have your command center planned out and ready to set up
you're ready for my
Command Center Intensive

Sign up today!
You get entry to our 2-hour intensive, the intensive workbook, and my Command Center Template pack!
It's not just an intensive, it's a SYSTEMS REFRESH
Get all your home systems batched, set up family communication, collect your materials, pick your location, AND have fun? YES

BEFORE the Intensive
• You're tired of the daily grind of managing a home. The repetitive tasks have you resenting the work and transition spots like the front door are chaos.
• You KNOW your family could support you more in the home but you don't know how to get them involved.
• Communication about the daily stuff of life has slipped, leaving you to handle it all yourself. Tired of being the cruise director?
• You create a system for something only to forget or have it undone in a week.
• Mail piling up on the counter and oops, you miss an important bill.
AFTER the Intensive
• Your command center is the spot for all the stuff going in and out of the house. No more losing keys or homework.
• Mail system: dialed in
• You've set up your communication hub and your family is actually USING IT!
• You can easily find what you need.
• Incentive plan for involving the kids? Check. New hope for improved communication with your partner? CHECK.
• Need a new system? No problem! Add it to the command center!
I absolutely love these ideas and this system.
I'm working through it all and setting up a plan that my family can get on board with!"
Command Center INTENSIVE
• 2 hour workshop
• Command Center Template Pack
($27 value)
• Intensive Workbook
It's available ON DEMAND so jump in right away!
special BONUS

Hi I'm Julie!
I can't wait to see how you customize your system!

As a school principal and single mom, I know how much a centralized system in the home can make the difference.
If you've been thinking about setting up a Command Center at home, THIS INTENSIVE IS FOR YOU!
Systems help you do the work without using up mental energy AND they help you delegate some of those tasks to your family. Ready to take your systems at home up to a new level?
If you're ready to set up your family command center, I can't wait to help you get it all together! Join me for this 2-hour intensive and customize your systems at home!
Got Questions? Send me an email or check out these FAQ here:
How does setting up systems at home help my family?
When things are a little out of control at home, it's a BIG CLUE that systems are out of whack. Systems like managing the paper, managing the money, getting the family involved, or how your command center works.
I believe that a command center is the most important system to set up at home!
What happens when I sign up? What should I expect?
First, you'll be directed to a secure page where you can enter your credit card info.
After that goes through, you'll see a confirmation page.
In your email, you'll see an invoice for your purchase and an email titled "Command Center Intensive: You're In!" which gives you the links to get in to your workshop.
Tell me about this bonus!
My command center template pack is 100 pages of all the templates you could want to get started in your command center.
I usually sell these in my shop for $27 but they're included as a bonus for this intensive workshop!
Just print and put into 8x10 frames (or laminate them) and you can use write on/wipe off pens to re-use these templates week after week.