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How a Down-to-Zero Budget can give you financial PEACE of MIND. 

Video 1: get honest

How to use a down to zero budget | The Bossy House

Video 2: make a budget

Video 3

Video 4

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Download your FREE Weekly Spending Worksheet 

For a Down-to-Zero budget to work right, you've got to figure out how much you need for spending money each week.

Use my worksheet to list weekly spending and keep moving forward with your financial planning steps!

Downloads for Financial Freedom | The Bossy House
  • Leave yourself JUST ENOUGH money for daily spending.    
  • Writing all your spending down for a week can REALLY help you figure out how much you need to live on. Don't guess!
  • You're doing the work to get your finances together--  keep taking small steps and you'll be done with your plan in no time.

Copyright - The Bossy House
