Refresh Your Weekend Routine - The Bossy House

Refresh Your Weekend Routine

Refresh your weekend routine


Does Monday always catch you off guard? 

Are you WORKING too much during the week on household stuff that you don’t have time to enjoy your family? Does it feel like you are using your whole weekend to catch up on the week? 

I know just how you feel! The work of parenting is overwhelming.

Your weekend routine needs a refresh!

Stick with me and I'll help you set up your weekend routine so you're doing LESS work and have more time to enjoy with your family.

Save Time and Energy

To refresh your weekend routine, follow my simple steps to get back time and energy during the week AND still have downtime on the weekend. 

The first step is listing ALL of your weekend chores. Fine out more here in this live video where I share my process and help you refresh your weekend routine.  

AND get my free planner here.  You'll want to download it and get started creating your very own weekend plan. 

Get the Routine Planner to refresh your weekend routine

In the video I use this Routine Plannertemplate to organize my process. 

When you're done making your list of weekend chores, batch them together by location. 

You can type right into this PDF to create your plan!

Sunday Routine Planner

Take the time right now to make a list of all of your weekend chores. Can you group them by location? I suggest limiting your plan to four locations to make sure you keep your routine sustainable.

In no time, you'll be batching your weekend chores and finding it takes WAY less time to do the same work you always do. 
