children's books Archives - The Bossy House

Tag Archives for " children’s books "

10 Feminist Children’s Books for the Next Generation

Yes, RBG is my hero, and she’s even more my hero when I know the obstacles she faced and the barriers she busted through. Yet, for my Girl, I’m looking for the books that don’t celebrate the victories of the past but reflect the current world we live in. Her generation of girls are already living so much further outside of the boundaries of sexism than I grew up with. We need books that exemplify that.


Your Book Isn’t Feminist Enough for My Toddler

I love a good feminist children’s book. But how about we just write stories about amazing girls who do amazing things and stop telling my 4 year old about a world where “girls have it hard.” In other words, it’s hard out here to find a book that’s feminist enough for the world my toddler girl lives in. Here I am trying to create the world the way it SHOULD be for her, and your well-meaning book comes along and makes me have to answer…
