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Tag Archives for " montessoriathome "

Create Your Own Montessori Activities at Home

girl doing puzzle

It doesn’t have to be rocket science to create your own Montessori activities. If you’ve thought about how to bring some of the best of the Montessori philosophy into your home, you might be ready for the next level of activity creation.


Declutter Your Toys with the Montessori Method

messy house

If your toys are strewn everywhere, chances are your child isn’t really getting the maximum use out of them. If you want to get a handle on the toy mess, take a few tips from the Montessori philosophy that will help you get organized AND (bonus!) make playtime much more fun for your kids.


Montessori Home Set Up

shelve for montessori child

You can bring this wonderful Montessori concept home and implement it in your house with a Montessori home set up that uses a rotating series of activiites to make work and play meaningful for your kids. To find out how, read on!
